Monday, 31 March 2008

I have me a pace boat...

Good row this evening, ended up completing 7028 meters for the main row (30 minutes) with another 1000 during the warm up / warm down. For the next few sessions I think I will use this pace as the gauge. Found the pace pretty good for the duration.

I have posted the chart for the row, very pleased with the consistency throughout. As can be seen, heart rate at the end was getting high! Need to understand more about this rate and the level I should be working within.......will research further.

Again I had numbness in my left/right foot. The pins and needles have subsided but I am still suffering somewhat at the end.

This week I plan on completing over 21,000 meters. Would like to hit the half marathon distance. So far so good !

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Easter Sunday Row

If today is the resurrection of Jesus, then today I took his place upon the cross. Well thats how I felt on the rowing machine anyhow......

For a 30 minute row it should not have been soooooo difficult - during the session I covered 7009 meters with an average 500 meter pace being 2.08.4 which again, should not have been so hard. Yes I was pleased that my 500 meter pace was on average 2 seconds faster than my past row, but I'm still confused as to why it felt so tough. Looking at the stats it may have been that I started out a little quick - about 15 minutes in I seriously felt like stopping. I guess another plus is that I did not!

With the warm up/down I covered 8013 meters (4.97 miles). Better than sitting on my backside watching sport all afternoon :-) Hmmm or is it.

I guess still an improvement, still not feeling 100% and fighting off this cold - hopefully over the coming weeks I will see my average pace for 30 minutes drop below 2.05 for 500 meters.

Right where is the chocolate!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Nice shoes for rowing....

Had a couple of steady rows the past few days. Tonight I started to up the intensity a little - starting to feel a little better - I think the cold is starting to go !

30 minute session this evening - 7,683 meters at a very steady 2:10 pace. Happily I finished the row still with some feeling in my left foot. I think the pins and needles is subsiding a little. Felt very strong at the end of the session.

Previous row on Saturday was also pretty steady - 20 minute session covering 4,686 meters again at a steady 2:08 pace.

Hopefully next week I can start to pick up the pace again getting back to <2:05 pace for 500 meters over 20/30 minutes.

These two rows where separated with a squash game - which reminds me - I need to look into a rowing plan for anaerobic training. This should help my game fitness.

So whats with the shoes? Well I'm very impressed with my new trainers (that came highly recommended - thanks James Memmott), Nike free 3.0 trainers. Great for rowing in because of the flexibility offered and comfort. Very nice and worth every penny - especially when you buy them in the US !

Sunday, 9 March 2008

150,000 Meters - Where would that get me?

This evening I topped the 150,000 meters mark on the rowing machine - which is a little over 93 miles. When put like that I think I will stick to using meters - sounds a lot more impressive.

Tonight had a steady row - 5000 meters (3.1 miles). Slowly and surely getting back into it after being away for a few weeks. Think another steady row is in oder tomorrow. Should be playing badminton next week and will look to setup a squash match as well.

I did a little research on maintaining my Concept 2 rowing machine and found that the concept 2 website provided me (not surprisingly) with the details. In summary: -


  • Wipe monorail with a cloth after use.
Every 50 hours of use
  • Clean and lubricate the chain with the oil provided (or 20w Motor Oil or 20W 3-in-1 oil).
  • Check the socket screws used to install the front leg and framelock for tightness. Also check that each toe piece nut and bolt is tight.
  • Check battery power on monitor.
Every 250 hours of use
  • Inspect chain for stiff links. If thorough lubrication does not help the chain should be replaced.
  • Inspect chain-handle connection for wear. If the hole has become elongated, or the U-bolt is worn halfway through, the entire connection should be replaced.
  • Tighten the shockcord if the handle does not return all the way to the fan enclosure.
  • Loosen or tighten the nuts on the Performance Monitor arm joints as necessary.
  • Check for dust inside the flywheel with a torch. Vacuum if needed.
Approximately every 800 hours of use
  • Replace the batteries in the Performance Monitor (PM2 or PM2+). The PM2 and PM2+ use 2 AA batteries.
Right then, back to fighting off this cold !!!

So have been away....

Once again being out of the country has slowed my improvement - back for a while now so hopefully can pick up where I stopped. Rowed yesterday for the first time in a while. Not too bad. Steady 20 minutes - slower than normal with a higher heart rate than in the past (+170). So how did I know my heart rate then? Well for my birthday I received a heart rate interface cable from Rebecca, my girlfriend. This has helped me greatly to understand performance - level of workout etc. RowPro also uses your heart rate to pace workouts so an essential piece of kit.

So will be picking up the pace over the next couple of weeks. Rowing, Squash and back to badminton. Must work off hotel food and drink !!

Plan to change my workout plan this week. I feel its time - a little more experienced and a better ability to answer the prep questions asked by RowPro. I may post the plan...