Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Nice shoes for rowing....

Had a couple of steady rows the past few days. Tonight I started to up the intensity a little - starting to feel a little better - I think the cold is starting to go !

30 minute session this evening - 7,683 meters at a very steady 2:10 pace. Happily I finished the row still with some feeling in my left foot. I think the pins and needles is subsiding a little. Felt very strong at the end of the session.

Previous row on Saturday was also pretty steady - 20 minute session covering 4,686 meters again at a steady 2:08 pace.

Hopefully next week I can start to pick up the pace again getting back to <2:05 pace for 500 meters over 20/30 minutes.

These two rows where separated with a squash game - which reminds me - I need to look into a rowing plan for anaerobic training. This should help my game fitness.

So whats with the shoes? Well I'm very impressed with my new trainers (that came highly recommended - thanks James Memmott), Nike free 3.0 trainers. Great for rowing in because of the flexibility offered and comfort. Very nice and worth every penny - especially when you buy them in the US !

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