Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Good first row of the week

So have had a few days off from rowing....first row in four days and it would seem that the little break has done me some good.

20 minute row this evening with an average 500 meter pace of 2:00.6 which I'm pleased with. For the 20 minute session I covered 4,977 meters. Very steady pace averaging 27 SPM.

My last five 20 minute figures below:

Meters Avg 500
4,874 2:03.1
4,774 2:05.7
4,754 2:06.2
4,717 2:07.2
4,977 2:00.6

Rowing stroke felt good this evening, stroke power seemed better than previous rows (199.8 Avg Watts)

Badminton tomorrow and squash planned for Thursday plus another two more rows planned.

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