Monday, 12 May 2008

Pins and Needles - A fix needed

Completed two rows this evening. Did intend on completing one single row but because of the pins and needles in my left foot I opted to split out the 30 minute session (1 x 20 and 1x10). In total tonight I completed 8,108 meters, which is a little over 5 miles. Not bad considering my lack of rowing activity over the past week. I did however play squash and badminton last week.

This week I have two squash league games and badminton planned. In addition I hope to fit in a couple more rows.

Have not forgotten that I need to look into the pins and needles issue - if I decide to build up to a half marathon (21,097 meters) I know this will cause problems. I think for my next row I will pad the seat some more. See if that helps.

Alternatively I wonder if padded cycle/rowing shorts will help? Maybe worth an investment?

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