Sunday, 27 April 2008

Summary of the week

So this week I only managed two rows, I did however play squash and badminton so all in all a fairly active week.

This evenings row I was putting into place the new Flex-foot system setup. Decided on a short row (20 minutes) to test out the new foot placement. Certainly felt different muscles working. Felt the row more in the legs - bad news is that pins and needles after 20 minutes. Need to look further into this.

Had a quick look at my rows over 20 minutes - definite improvement on pace and meters rowed. Will post in blog next week.

Another busy week planned, squash tomorrow and badminton scheduled.

Rowing machine total now at approx 230k (140+ miles)

Flex-foot System Setup - The answer....and immediate improvement

So I have been looking for guidance on how to setup the what I now know to be called Flex-Foot System. I wanted to make sure that I am gaining the maximum benefits from the rowing I do. So this morning, I decided to take a quick look on YouTube on the subject of Concept 2 and setup. Result below:

No surprise, I quickly found my answer, in summary :

1) The Ball of your foot should rest on the ridged platform
2) Air on the high side so that during the push or drive your more horizontal than vertical.

So having made this discovery I ventured downstairs to look at how I have it setup. I should probably add at this point, that I'm feeling somewhat stupid at my findings. To my surprise the balls of my feet where not resting firmly on the ridged platform, in order to do this I needed to raise the platform by two (2) notches. Now the difference that this very small setup change has made is significant. Over the past two weeks, I have been struggling with technique, in particular focusing on not over reaching during the recovery, now that I have made this setup change, this ability to overreach has been significantly reduced. In fact I would go as far as saying, that I can no longer move my shins past vertical.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so I plan on doing exactly that later this afternoon. I will report on my findings.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Weekend Row Update

Ended up only rowing the once this weekend, another technique row lasting 4000 meters. Again feeling a little clumsy - which is only normal when you tweak and try new things. After the technique row I decided to blast out a 500 meter sprint - for such a small distance it really can bring out the pain. Completed in 1:42.5 - averaging 34 strokes per minute (SPM). Will need to look back at previous attempts - I think this is an improvement.

After 5-a-side football today I'm certainly going to focus more on sprint (anaerobic) training. Still a weakness for me.

Squash and badminton planned for next week with a number of rowing sessions planned.

Something I intend on finding out next week - foot rest position / setting. Is there any guidance on how you should set this up? I heard that you should have your legs as straight as possible - is this true? I will post results of my research.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Metal Fatigue - Model D and Model E Indoor Rowers

Model D and Model E Indoor Rowers shipped between August 1, 2006 and April 19, 2007 are susceptible to metal fatigue which may cause a crack to form at a particular point on the frame under the foot stretchers.....visit this link to find out if your concept is affected.

Focus on Technique Continues.....

Monday I was looking forward to my row, having had a good session on the Sunday. The row ( a 4000 meter technique row) turned out being a little more disappointing than I would have wanted. How difficult can the rowing action be? Well I'm finding out that maintaining a consistent rowing action is pretty difficult.

I mentioned on my previous row that I had felt better for maintaining horizontal shins which resulted in what I felt was a shorter action. During the row on Monday, I realized that the shortness of my rowing action was due to my back movement during 'The finish'. Something difficult to visualize when on the rowing machine. But basically, I don't feel as if my back movement is as definite as shown in the diagram above. So this is my new focus. I think focusing on locking out the legs will help with this. This motion will, I hope, lengthen my stroke once more.

Good variety of exercise this week. Squash, badminton, football and rowing. Plan on completing two further technique rows this week (sat/sun). Total for week will be approx 15,000 meters.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Weekly Target Completed

So my 21,000 meter weekly goal was achieved today which was pleasing. Completed it with a row of just over 7,050 meters. Really pleased with the row today, seemed a little easier. I focused on ensuring that my shins did not pass vertical during the recovery. I actually believe this made a big difference. Whilst the drive did not feel as long the efficiency of the stroke meant that I had a quicker stroke per minute (SPM). Really need to focus on maintaining this - found that as soon as I was distracted the longer stroke came back into play. I guess the consistency will come with practice.

The other pleasing part of the row today was my recovery - finished the row with my heart rate a little over 170, within a real short period of time that had fallen back to 120.

Three rows this week: -

  1. 8068 Meters - 30 minute
  2. 5,753 Meters - 20 minute
  3. 8018 Meters - 30 minute
Total - 21,839 Meters (13.57 Miles)

Next week I intend to focus on technique once more, really need to work on maintaining stroke consistency. Badminton and Squash also on the plan - hopefully I will feel the benefits of the rowing on the courts.

Referred to the Indoor Rowing Training Guide (version 2) again today - worth a quick scan now and then. Particularly the technical faults and solutions section. Check out fault number 8, simple but true. RELAX!!

Something I own and would not go without are my GripMaster hand pads - these certainly do help.....a worthwhile investment. Also help you to relax and grip the handle lightly!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Failed - but for a valid reason :-)

So last week I failed to hit my 21,000 meter target, that said I think I had a valid reason. I had planned on rowing on Sunday but instead ended up playing 5-a-side football.........good enough reason I think. So last week I completed approx 17,000 meters.

Started this week with a reasonable row this evening, 30 minutes completed covering 7,059 meters (2:07.5/500m). A little down on my recent pace (2:06.5/500m) but happy. With warm up/down a little over 8000 meters in total. I certainly do notice the difference when rowing the day after squash / football. The legs feel a little heavier and not a willing. Becomes more of a mental challenge.

Will look to complete the 21,000 meters this week.

Found another interesting blog on the web this evening, take a look if you get the chance:

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Tough but Rewarding

Tonights row was a tough one. Having played badminton last night I found that I was somewhat lacking energy. That said I was still pleased with the outcome of the row. Again I opted for a 30 minute row with a warm up/down at either end.

For the 30 minutes I completed 7,115 meters which is an improvement on my previous row. My 500 meter pace improved - 2:06.5 average over the the 30 minutes. This is an improvement of just under 2 seconds per 500 meters on previous pace. Ultimately this improvement can be put down to my competitiveness and wanting to better my previous row which I used as a pace boat for this session. Whilst the pace boat does help pass the time, I need to be careful that it does not become an obsession to beat/improve on. I found myself starting out quicker than normal to get ahead of the pace boat which ultimately meant a harder middle session. May opt not to use on the next row.

Word of advise, don't let the girlfriend cut onions at the end of a session, not ideal! Cry like a baby - not quite but almost.......

Something I read today has made me want to again focus on technique next week -

"your legs are responsible for 70% of the power in your stroke."

I'm not entirely sure I am achieving this, something to work on and read up on.....will report back findings. Also going to start looking for other indoor rowing blogs to try and become part of a rowing community.