Sunday, 20 April 2008

Weekend Row Update

Ended up only rowing the once this weekend, another technique row lasting 4000 meters. Again feeling a little clumsy - which is only normal when you tweak and try new things. After the technique row I decided to blast out a 500 meter sprint - for such a small distance it really can bring out the pain. Completed in 1:42.5 - averaging 34 strokes per minute (SPM). Will need to look back at previous attempts - I think this is an improvement.

After 5-a-side football today I'm certainly going to focus more on sprint (anaerobic) training. Still a weakness for me.

Squash and badminton planned for next week with a number of rowing sessions planned.

Something I intend on finding out next week - foot rest position / setting. Is there any guidance on how you should set this up? I heard that you should have your legs as straight as possible - is this true? I will post results of my research.

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