Monday, 10 September 2007

A good steady session tonight.....

OK so I failed to wake up early enough to make it onto my rower this morning but I made up by having a good steady session this evening. Ended up completing the following: -

  1. 1 minute warm Up (after a 7 minute walk home from the train station)
  2. 20 minute row
  3. 1 minute warm down
  4. 250 meter warm up
  5. 1000 meter sprint
  6. 250 meter warm down
I was actually very pleased with the 20 minutes row - felt OK - tiring at the very end. Considering how early on in the day it is not bad - covered 4,585 meters averaging 2:10 for 500 meters. Slow and steady but something to work with. Will use this as the pace boat for tomorrows session. The 1000 meter sprint was interesting - averaged 1:54 for 500 meters - not as quick as my first attempt at the weekend - good news is that I finished stronger than my previous 1000 meter effort.

Another day tomorrow - hopefully will be playing squash at lunch and a repeat of this evening on the rowing machine.

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