Sunday, 9 September 2007

It has going back now !

So I decided to do it - purchase a new Concept 2 indoor rowing machine.....and it arrived yesterday. After days and days or should I say months and months of deliberation I decided to go all out. In my mind I needed to justify spending the £900+ on a piece of equipment that could become the most expensive clothes hanger in my house....which I'm determined will not happen.

So why this decision? Well I have been finding it difficult to get to the gym as a result of work and other interests. So time has been a big factor. When I was visiting the gym frequently I spent most of my cardio time on a rowing machine as I found that this gave me the complete workout that I needed. Now when I go to the gym its to play squash - another interest requiring time !!

So why create this blog? For me, I want something to look back on and hopefully see progress. A DVD that came with the rower (yes sadly I did watch it) encouraged exactly this sort of activity to help maintain usage and enthusiasm.

So week one is going to be about self discovery and asking lots of training and technique questions. Its also going to be about playing with the 20 day RowPro license that came with the rower. To start with I'm also going to begin by rowing 3000 meters twice a day (am/pm). And finally I'm going to be studying the Concept 2 training guide for recommended workouts !

I'm looking forward to reading the many other rowing blogs out there and I hope to learn something new from them ! In time maybe this blog will also become a useful source for others with a similar interest.

Any recommendations/guidance for a new indoor rower welcome !

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