Monday, 26 May 2008

Back to my rowing ways

Tonight was my first row back for just over a week. Been busy with squash, other stuff in my life and a bout of man flu that I have been hit with.

Tonight I decided on a gentle row, just under 6,000 meters in total. Found it a little more challenging than usual. It would seem that the man flu and lack of rowing in the past week has had a small impact.

Having a heart rate monitor allowed me to compare my fitness with previous rows. What I noticed is that my heart rate climbed a lot quicker. This resulted in me needing to work harder in the later part of the row. Within 10 minutes of my row today my heart rate was over 160. Past rows has seen it sitting at the 150 mark.

Past weeks has seen me playing more squash with good results. I hope to keep this up whilst maintaining the rowing.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Pins and Needles - A fix needed

Completed two rows this evening. Did intend on completing one single row but because of the pins and needles in my left foot I opted to split out the 30 minute session (1 x 20 and 1x10). In total tonight I completed 8,108 meters, which is a little over 5 miles. Not bad considering my lack of rowing activity over the past week. I did however play squash and badminton last week.

This week I have two squash league games and badminton planned. In addition I hope to fit in a couple more rows.

Have not forgotten that I need to look into the pins and needles issue - if I decide to build up to a half marathon (21,097 meters) I know this will cause problems. I think for my next row I will pad the seat some more. See if that helps.

Alternatively I wonder if padded cycle/rowing shorts will help? Maybe worth an investment?

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Good first row of the week

So have had a few days off from rowing....first row in four days and it would seem that the little break has done me some good.

20 minute row this evening with an average 500 meter pace of 2:00.6 which I'm pleased with. For the 20 minute session I covered 4,977 meters. Very steady pace averaging 27 SPM.

My last five 20 minute figures below:

Meters Avg 500
4,874 2:03.1
4,774 2:05.7
4,754 2:06.2
4,717 2:07.2
4,977 2:00.6

Rowing stroke felt good this evening, stroke power seemed better than previous rows (199.8 Avg Watts)

Badminton tomorrow and squash planned for Thursday plus another two more rows planned.

Monday, 5 May 2008

A quick update on progress

Last week I found myself being a little lazy, only two rows and a squash game.

Both rows lasted on average around 25 minutes and covered in total approx 12,000 meters. Again still having some difficulty with pins and needles. Have searched high and low on the internet and not found any useful information on what could be causing this.

This week I plan on a couple of longer rows. Would like to try a 40 minute session - if the pins and needles does not prevent. Squash and badminton also planned for this week.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Summary of the week

So this week I only managed two rows, I did however play squash and badminton so all in all a fairly active week.

This evenings row I was putting into place the new Flex-foot system setup. Decided on a short row (20 minutes) to test out the new foot placement. Certainly felt different muscles working. Felt the row more in the legs - bad news is that pins and needles after 20 minutes. Need to look further into this.

Had a quick look at my rows over 20 minutes - definite improvement on pace and meters rowed. Will post in blog next week.

Another busy week planned, squash tomorrow and badminton scheduled.

Rowing machine total now at approx 230k (140+ miles)

Flex-foot System Setup - The answer....and immediate improvement

So I have been looking for guidance on how to setup the what I now know to be called Flex-Foot System. I wanted to make sure that I am gaining the maximum benefits from the rowing I do. So this morning, I decided to take a quick look on YouTube on the subject of Concept 2 and setup. Result below:

No surprise, I quickly found my answer, in summary :

1) The Ball of your foot should rest on the ridged platform
2) Air on the high side so that during the push or drive your more horizontal than vertical.

So having made this discovery I ventured downstairs to look at how I have it setup. I should probably add at this point, that I'm feeling somewhat stupid at my findings. To my surprise the balls of my feet where not resting firmly on the ridged platform, in order to do this I needed to raise the platform by two (2) notches. Now the difference that this very small setup change has made is significant. Over the past two weeks, I have been struggling with technique, in particular focusing on not over reaching during the recovery, now that I have made this setup change, this ability to overreach has been significantly reduced. In fact I would go as far as saying, that I can no longer move my shins past vertical.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so I plan on doing exactly that later this afternoon. I will report on my findings.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Weekend Row Update

Ended up only rowing the once this weekend, another technique row lasting 4000 meters. Again feeling a little clumsy - which is only normal when you tweak and try new things. After the technique row I decided to blast out a 500 meter sprint - for such a small distance it really can bring out the pain. Completed in 1:42.5 - averaging 34 strokes per minute (SPM). Will need to look back at previous attempts - I think this is an improvement.

After 5-a-side football today I'm certainly going to focus more on sprint (anaerobic) training. Still a weakness for me.

Squash and badminton planned for next week with a number of rowing sessions planned.

Something I intend on finding out next week - foot rest position / setting. Is there any guidance on how you should set this up? I heard that you should have your legs as straight as possible - is this true? I will post results of my research.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Metal Fatigue - Model D and Model E Indoor Rowers

Model D and Model E Indoor Rowers shipped between August 1, 2006 and April 19, 2007 are susceptible to metal fatigue which may cause a crack to form at a particular point on the frame under the foot stretchers.....visit this link to find out if your concept is affected.

Focus on Technique Continues.....

Monday I was looking forward to my row, having had a good session on the Sunday. The row ( a 4000 meter technique row) turned out being a little more disappointing than I would have wanted. How difficult can the rowing action be? Well I'm finding out that maintaining a consistent rowing action is pretty difficult.

I mentioned on my previous row that I had felt better for maintaining horizontal shins which resulted in what I felt was a shorter action. During the row on Monday, I realized that the shortness of my rowing action was due to my back movement during 'The finish'. Something difficult to visualize when on the rowing machine. But basically, I don't feel as if my back movement is as definite as shown in the diagram above. So this is my new focus. I think focusing on locking out the legs will help with this. This motion will, I hope, lengthen my stroke once more.

Good variety of exercise this week. Squash, badminton, football and rowing. Plan on completing two further technique rows this week (sat/sun). Total for week will be approx 15,000 meters.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Weekly Target Completed

So my 21,000 meter weekly goal was achieved today which was pleasing. Completed it with a row of just over 7,050 meters. Really pleased with the row today, seemed a little easier. I focused on ensuring that my shins did not pass vertical during the recovery. I actually believe this made a big difference. Whilst the drive did not feel as long the efficiency of the stroke meant that I had a quicker stroke per minute (SPM). Really need to focus on maintaining this - found that as soon as I was distracted the longer stroke came back into play. I guess the consistency will come with practice.

The other pleasing part of the row today was my recovery - finished the row with my heart rate a little over 170, within a real short period of time that had fallen back to 120.

Three rows this week: -

  1. 8068 Meters - 30 minute
  2. 5,753 Meters - 20 minute
  3. 8018 Meters - 30 minute
Total - 21,839 Meters (13.57 Miles)

Next week I intend to focus on technique once more, really need to work on maintaining stroke consistency. Badminton and Squash also on the plan - hopefully I will feel the benefits of the rowing on the courts.

Referred to the Indoor Rowing Training Guide (version 2) again today - worth a quick scan now and then. Particularly the technical faults and solutions section. Check out fault number 8, simple but true. RELAX!!

Something I own and would not go without are my GripMaster hand pads - these certainly do help.....a worthwhile investment. Also help you to relax and grip the handle lightly!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Failed - but for a valid reason :-)

So last week I failed to hit my 21,000 meter target, that said I think I had a valid reason. I had planned on rowing on Sunday but instead ended up playing 5-a-side football.........good enough reason I think. So last week I completed approx 17,000 meters.

Started this week with a reasonable row this evening, 30 minutes completed covering 7,059 meters (2:07.5/500m). A little down on my recent pace (2:06.5/500m) but happy. With warm up/down a little over 8000 meters in total. I certainly do notice the difference when rowing the day after squash / football. The legs feel a little heavier and not a willing. Becomes more of a mental challenge.

Will look to complete the 21,000 meters this week.

Found another interesting blog on the web this evening, take a look if you get the chance:

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Tough but Rewarding

Tonights row was a tough one. Having played badminton last night I found that I was somewhat lacking energy. That said I was still pleased with the outcome of the row. Again I opted for a 30 minute row with a warm up/down at either end.

For the 30 minutes I completed 7,115 meters which is an improvement on my previous row. My 500 meter pace improved - 2:06.5 average over the the 30 minutes. This is an improvement of just under 2 seconds per 500 meters on previous pace. Ultimately this improvement can be put down to my competitiveness and wanting to better my previous row which I used as a pace boat for this session. Whilst the pace boat does help pass the time, I need to be careful that it does not become an obsession to beat/improve on. I found myself starting out quicker than normal to get ahead of the pace boat which ultimately meant a harder middle session. May opt not to use on the next row.

Word of advise, don't let the girlfriend cut onions at the end of a session, not ideal! Cry like a baby - not quite but almost.......

Something I read today has made me want to again focus on technique next week -

"your legs are responsible for 70% of the power in your stroke."

I'm not entirely sure I am achieving this, something to work on and read up on.....will report back findings. Also going to start looking for other indoor rowing blogs to try and become part of a rowing community.

Monday, 31 March 2008

I have me a pace boat...

Good row this evening, ended up completing 7028 meters for the main row (30 minutes) with another 1000 during the warm up / warm down. For the next few sessions I think I will use this pace as the gauge. Found the pace pretty good for the duration.

I have posted the chart for the row, very pleased with the consistency throughout. As can be seen, heart rate at the end was getting high! Need to understand more about this rate and the level I should be working within.......will research further.

Again I had numbness in my left/right foot. The pins and needles have subsided but I am still suffering somewhat at the end.

This week I plan on completing over 21,000 meters. Would like to hit the half marathon distance. So far so good !

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Easter Sunday Row

If today is the resurrection of Jesus, then today I took his place upon the cross. Well thats how I felt on the rowing machine anyhow......

For a 30 minute row it should not have been soooooo difficult - during the session I covered 7009 meters with an average 500 meter pace being 2.08.4 which again, should not have been so hard. Yes I was pleased that my 500 meter pace was on average 2 seconds faster than my past row, but I'm still confused as to why it felt so tough. Looking at the stats it may have been that I started out a little quick - about 15 minutes in I seriously felt like stopping. I guess another plus is that I did not!

With the warm up/down I covered 8013 meters (4.97 miles). Better than sitting on my backside watching sport all afternoon :-) Hmmm or is it.

I guess still an improvement, still not feeling 100% and fighting off this cold - hopefully over the coming weeks I will see my average pace for 30 minutes drop below 2.05 for 500 meters.

Right where is the chocolate!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Nice shoes for rowing....

Had a couple of steady rows the past few days. Tonight I started to up the intensity a little - starting to feel a little better - I think the cold is starting to go !

30 minute session this evening - 7,683 meters at a very steady 2:10 pace. Happily I finished the row still with some feeling in my left foot. I think the pins and needles is subsiding a little. Felt very strong at the end of the session.

Previous row on Saturday was also pretty steady - 20 minute session covering 4,686 meters again at a steady 2:08 pace.

Hopefully next week I can start to pick up the pace again getting back to <2:05 pace for 500 meters over 20/30 minutes.

These two rows where separated with a squash game - which reminds me - I need to look into a rowing plan for anaerobic training. This should help my game fitness.

So whats with the shoes? Well I'm very impressed with my new trainers (that came highly recommended - thanks James Memmott), Nike free 3.0 trainers. Great for rowing in because of the flexibility offered and comfort. Very nice and worth every penny - especially when you buy them in the US !

Sunday, 9 March 2008

150,000 Meters - Where would that get me?

This evening I topped the 150,000 meters mark on the rowing machine - which is a little over 93 miles. When put like that I think I will stick to using meters - sounds a lot more impressive.

Tonight had a steady row - 5000 meters (3.1 miles). Slowly and surely getting back into it after being away for a few weeks. Think another steady row is in oder tomorrow. Should be playing badminton next week and will look to setup a squash match as well.

I did a little research on maintaining my Concept 2 rowing machine and found that the concept 2 website provided me (not surprisingly) with the details. In summary: -


  • Wipe monorail with a cloth after use.
Every 50 hours of use
  • Clean and lubricate the chain with the oil provided (or 20w Motor Oil or 20W 3-in-1 oil).
  • Check the socket screws used to install the front leg and framelock for tightness. Also check that each toe piece nut and bolt is tight.
  • Check battery power on monitor.
Every 250 hours of use
  • Inspect chain for stiff links. If thorough lubrication does not help the chain should be replaced.
  • Inspect chain-handle connection for wear. If the hole has become elongated, or the U-bolt is worn halfway through, the entire connection should be replaced.
  • Tighten the shockcord if the handle does not return all the way to the fan enclosure.
  • Loosen or tighten the nuts on the Performance Monitor arm joints as necessary.
  • Check for dust inside the flywheel with a torch. Vacuum if needed.
Approximately every 800 hours of use
  • Replace the batteries in the Performance Monitor (PM2 or PM2+). The PM2 and PM2+ use 2 AA batteries.
Right then, back to fighting off this cold !!!

So have been away....

Once again being out of the country has slowed my improvement - back for a while now so hopefully can pick up where I stopped. Rowed yesterday for the first time in a while. Not too bad. Steady 20 minutes - slower than normal with a higher heart rate than in the past (+170). So how did I know my heart rate then? Well for my birthday I received a heart rate interface cable from Rebecca, my girlfriend. This has helped me greatly to understand performance - level of workout etc. RowPro also uses your heart rate to pace workouts so an essential piece of kit.

So will be picking up the pace over the next couple of weeks. Rowing, Squash and back to badminton. Must work off hotel food and drink !!

Plan to change my workout plan this week. I feel its time - a little more experienced and a better ability to answer the prep questions asked by RowPro. I may post the plan...

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Row Row Row your boat a little longer down the stream :-)

OK - so tonight was the first 40 minute session - managed it OK but struggled once more with pins and needles in my left foot. Got to about 25 minutes and needed to stop to walk it off. Other than that felt pretty good - a little annoyed about the pins and needles but I'm seeking a resolution to that. If anyone has any ideas then let me know. I have heard that it could be due to a number of reasons (sitting position, posture, etc) but to date nothing has changed. Just short of 10,000 meters which is annoying - would have made the ten if it was not for the 2/3 minute stop.

Anyway squash tomorrow so will be a good way of seeing how my fitness is going. I'm expecting a very hard game.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Calling any other RowPro User !!

If your a RowPro user and you want to have a row let me know !! Would be good to have a training partner and someone that can share ideas with.

Two days back....

Two days back into the swing of things.....yesterday I had a 25 minute rowing session. Everything OK - a little slower than usual given the small break to the US last week. Only other problem I need to look into is pins and needles in my feet (mainly left foot) - tends to come on late into a session - I hear it could be to do with the way that I am sitting.

As a result I focused on a technique row tonight - 3000 meters - felt OK and thankfully no more tingle!

Rowing machine now over the 100,000 meters mark which is good - I see many on ebay with less meters for sale.....must keep on going !

Next purchase - heart rate monitor and interface - keep losing out on eBay, think I will opt out and go straight for the concept shop online.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Been away again !

OK, another week out of the country, back on the rower on Monday - hopefully my previous progress will not be a complete wash out. My blog entries to come next week !

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Technique rows going to plan

This week I have following the training plan. First couple of weeks is focusing on technique. Have completed three sessions so far, all of 2000 meters. Now have a couple of rest days until Sunday when I carry out a 3000 meter technique row. Another week and then it starts getting more serious. Longer rows and interval training.

Total meters rowed to date is now > 80,000 meters.

In addition to the rowing I went to Badminton last night. Pleasantly surprised by fitness - not as bad as I had originally thought.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Onwards and Upwards

OK - so with crimbo over let the training begin.

One of my presents this year was a 12 month subscription to the Rowpro software, I have since setup a training plan and started to follow this closely. First few weeks cover technique which will help to improve on and build up a strong rowing action. A slow strokes per minute rate required (18-21) and short distance covered (2000 meters).

First few sessions have been enjoyable - trying out the software and rowing additions received for Christmas. The new seat pad has made for a more comfortable ride as have the rowing mitts.

After my technique row I decided to go for a quick 500 meter dash - completed in @ 1:47 pace which I was happy with. My aim to complete 1000 meters at this pace.

Hopefully my next post will have some details on the online rowing community which I'm looking to get involved this space.